Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13th.

This blogging thing is great. I sit here and vent against the world without hurting anyone's feelings or making anyone mad at me. At least i haven't heard from anyone that I've made mad yet.
My blood pressure has dropped to very healthy levels, my weight has dropped and my wife loves me once again. These things have all happened since I started blogging. Great therapy.
The health care bill has been voted out of the Senate Finance committee. The libs hate it or at least I'm told they hate it. I don't know why, because it inflates the power of the federal government, increases government and funds Acorn billions of dollars for them to advise more people how to set up brothels with illegal underage South American children.
I can speak for myself and say, I hate it and don't see any redeeming features in it. I keep hearing people say, "it's free health care." It ain't free, tax payers are paying for it. I think that the term "Uncle Sam's money" is a democratic phrase designed to disguise the fact that we all are paying for the Federal Government.

President Obama and his crowd are now openly attacking Fox News. Although this is no surprise, I wonder at his advisors who are telling him this is the way to go. He's got MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, AOL, The Washington Post, the New York Times and a host of other news outlets carring all of the water for him. What I hope happens is that some of these outlets finally wake up and see that FoxNews is kicking their butts in the ratings department and maybe they will change their stance. If I were a stockholder to any of these companies, that would be a demand I would make at the next boardmeeting.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are attacking Rush Limbaugh for wanting to buy the Rams. These two rascist are making all of thier money from the hate in this country. Lets face it if the race question were settled they would be out of a job. Literally done. Limbaugh would make a great NFL owner. He's a succesful business man who knows the sport and is a great motivator. Not a bad combo.

Just as Sharpton and Jackson are finished when all racial issues are settled, Al Gore is done when we solve the Global Warming issue. (By the way, Global Warmning or Climate Change is a myth. Perpetuated by Al Gore and pushed by the left it is a huge ponzi scheme to cut the heart out of profits in this country.) Big Al is now in Finland building cars (pay attention Union Guys) Why not in the USA? I don't know but I only can hope that his electric car (he probably rides in a huge Mercedes) breaks down and he freezes to death in a Finnish Blizzard. How ironic that would be. I wouldn't get any more than 8 hours sleep when it happens, worrying about him.

I stopped a guy driving with an Obama Sticker on his car. I asked him this "Obama, really, how's that working for you?" His answer? He stuck up his middle finger and rolled his window up and drove off. I laughed my ass off. This guy could not defend his position. I think he lacks the power of his conviction. He also showed his I.Q. My Dad always said that Profanity is the effort of a weak mind to express itself.

Can't wait for 2010. I think the Virginia Governers race will show much. My wife is naked now standing in front of me. Ole lucky has got to go.


Harry Flashman
17th. Light (Queen's Own)

1 comment:

  1. I was not naked ! Ya big liar ! hehe ! And besides....I dont usually wear clothes to take a bath ! Not fair...telling the world when Im naked ! lol
