Monday, November 30, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming is a fact. It is happening, the globe warms. It gets hotter. Glaciers melt, ocean levels rise. True. No argument from me.

Here's the rub: It ain't caused by man. It ain't the U.S.' fault. It ain't mine or your fault. Don't let Obama or Al Gore tell you other wise. Here are the facts as they are now known:
1. The globe warms but there is no known human cause. There is a hypothosis that has been accepted and pushed by the Left is that humans and more specifically North American humans have caused it by driving cars and making electricity, and generally living well. Communism failed and the liberals now want to push the global government (they love government) and they are trying to use Global Environmentalism as the means.

2. The "scientific method" is not being followed in the Global warming issue. This method says that a hypothosis is established (here it is that CO2 is causing the warming) and then you try to prove that this hypothosis is wrong. If there are no competeing or disproving arguments then it becomes a working theory. That theory can be still disproved at any time that anyone can come up with a compeling disproof. The social scientist who are pushing this hypothosis are skipping the disproof part of the program. They just said, "OK, co2 is the problem and that's our theory. Wrong. Here is how it should work: (this is how it was explained to me) You see a bunch of swans that are white. You then say my hypothosis is that all swans are white. Now scientist should then start searching for a non white swan. Right? Well the Al Gore crowd were only looking for white swans instead of trying to find a non white swan. Doesn't work.
3. The whole basis for the Co2 global warming deal was based on three trees studied in Siberia. (3)
4. EMails from the main Scientific source were recently released to the media. Most mainstream media did not publish this fact. They passed. Once again besmurching thier profession. The reason that the New York Times says they did not publish was because they said "it was obtained illegally." Now I'm old enough to remember the "Pentagon Papers" that were stolen and they published them. I also remember them publishing the transcript of the conservsation between Newt Gingrech and some of his advisors that the Democrats obtained illegally. You get the idea.
Congress needs to look into this. They need to haul Al Gore up and make him explain his picture of the Globe (Cuba was Airbrushed out and there is a Hurricane on the Equator where Hurricane's cannot exist.) This junk science has cost us billions and Congress should get involved if they want to have any credibility left.
But they won't.
The Globe is cooling at the rate of 10% over the last 10 years. True. The Glaciers are not shrinking, polar bears are doing just fine.
There are several third world countries screaming for more US Dollars because of global warming. Let them scream. They want 10 Billion dollars up front to sign the Copenhagen agreement. the Co2 theory is about to fail and the Third World knows this as do the Warming crowd. Then i suppose the big fear will be Global Cooling and again it will be our fault.
As long as the US propers the rest of the world will cry and come up with stupid reasons for us to give them money.
And there will be stupid liberals in this country willing to listen.

As Mad Maxx says, "Shut up and quit ruinin my life."
good advise.

Harry Flashman,
17th Light (Queens own))

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life in these here United States

folks, it ain't good. Riding in southern WV in the last few days, I have realized a startling fact: The majority of the cars that I see in the last two days are carrying either a state, county, or US Gov't license plate.
This is not good. It tells me that the only people moving about are doing so on our dollar. This is not a scientific poll nor is intended to be, but there is a startling number of these vehicles compared to taxpayer license plates. Don't try to tell me that the recession is over. I think we are going to see a double dip recession which will devastate personal asset value in this country.
Just prior to the big elections of November the Obama administration announced (proudly) that the GDP had grown in the 3rd quarter by 3.5%. During the runup to the election, the press was touting the end of the recession. Today, after the elections are over the Government adjusted (shock shock) the GDP down, actually it only grew at 2.8%. GDP is an economic term which measured the growth of a nations economy. It consists of three factors: Consumer spending, Investment by companies in Capitol goods and government spending. This recent GDP number is propped up by mostly increases in Government spending only and is therefore a terrible way to judge economic growth.
At this rate their is no way that 1. Unemployement will go down, 2. we can afford the new health insurance bill. 3. we can afford Cap and Trade legislation.
About the Health Legislation, here is a little history lesson for you:
In 1935 the German Media decried the fact that not all Germans had an automobile and that they deserved one. Hitler came up with a plan that everyone could have a car. It was to be called the "people's car" (in German: Volkswagon).
Here is how it worked. The people would pay 5 marks per week for the automobile then when it was paid for, he would deliver it to them. Well, needless to say, he never delivered on that promise either. He took the money and produced military vehicles for his war.
After the war was over and the Socialist regime was gone, Volkswagon began producing a small energy efficient vehicle at an affordable price. It became a hit in Germany, the pride of their postwar economy and was brought to the US by returning vets.
Some liberal playbooks never change. We are to pay taxes for this Health program for several years then it comes into effect exactly as Hitler did his people's car. Hitler was a socialist, so is Obama. We got to rid this country of him and his fellow fascist in the media, in academia and in Congress.
Oh, and by the way, you won't here this in the regular media, but scientist (hah!) have been hiding data that proves that global warming is junk science. Don Blankenship has been right all along. Sarah Palin is right. Al Gore is a socialist, liar, and very dangerous to my and your freedom. Now we know why he won't give interviews, won't allow the press in his lectures, and generally hides from any real substantive discussions on Global warming.
I hope that someday he freezes to death in Finland or where ever the hell he is hiding.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Bumper sticker game

I am very proud of the men and women of this country who are excercising thier rights of free speech and are speaking (hell, they're screaming) at the Obama Administration on nearly every move that the libs make. And like those great people, I myself have done a little screaming. Here's a new sport that I've invented. It's called "puttin em on the spot."

Here's how it works: You catch someone with an Obama sticker on thier car and you say to them, "Obama? Oh really? And you watch thier reactions. Can't. Either because they are inarticulate or because of thier embarrassement over the Administrations actions, can't.

I've played this game a couple of three times. Lots of fun. Recently played this game in Charleston. I stopped this guy with Michigan tags on his car and an Obama sticker on his back and asked him the above question. He kinda got a stupid look on his face and then rolled up his window and left me standing there. (laughing)

Conventional wisdow would have this guy jumping out and beating me to a pulp. Didn't happen that way. Now I'm not a threatening kind of guy, just average in height and weight. He was young and looked kinda athletic and would have won the fight except for one thing. You can't whip someone who is mad. In a fight mad wins every time. Ask the Japenese. They had all of the experience in WWII, had the Navy, had the Airforce. Made us mad and got thier asses kicked.

Anyway back to the game, they cannot defend their position. Not on health care, (nobody wants the plan escept MSNBC). They cannot defend his stimulous bill. What stimulous? Unemployment at 10.2% and not expected to go down anytime soon. They looked into his "jobs created and/or saved claims in West Virginia. Turns out most of these jobs created and or saved were listed at (surprise, surprise) the State Capitol Building in Charleston. But wait, have you ever heard of a state job in jeopardy in West Virginia? Not happening, never happened in the past, not ever gonna happen. So how can you save a job that ain't ever gonna be in jeopardy?
They cannot defend his actions in Afghanistan or his comments about the Shootings at Fort Hood. Not terrorism? Get real for once in your life Obama. Hell the guys a Jihadist.

Anyway, the gentleman from South Carolina got it right: "You lie"

To the rest of you out there, here's some latin for you: "illigitimi nonconderumbus" (don't let the bastards get you down.

Harry Flashman
17th Light (Queen's own)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obama's Latest

The President is visiting (apparently) a Maryland business to announce a new program to encourage Small Businesses to borrow more money. One helluva an idea huh? We are in the worst credit mess in the country's history and Obama is wanting to encourage more borrowing.

This man is either (1) Totally insane (2) purposely trying to destroy this country. Now I don't believe he is totally insane. That leaves only one alternative in my theory, he is purposely ruining the value system, the economy and several industries in his pursuit of the perfect America.
America is not perfect, we have made mistakes in our history. But since its founding as a colony and then as a Country in its own right people have been literally dying to get into the place.
There is a reason for this fact. God has blessed us as a nation in many ways including lowcost energy, an attitude that we can accomplish whatever we want, and we are a (basically) honest open and friendly people. We also believe that right is right and wrong is wrong.

I once worked with a Scottish Gentleman. He would always say that if he asked an american a question, they would answer it. When he was asked a question he would invariably say, "Why are you askin" in that beautiful Scottish Brogue. The Europeans don't answer questions if they don't want, an American will always answer the question.

Obama and whomever is pulling the strings are loosing their mandate to govern and in the process they are dividing our country worse than the hateful days of segregation and the KKK in the south. He is calling out news organization, (Well ok One News organization)as being just a commentary station and that is patently not true.
Keep it up big man and hang on it, will be a bumpy ride and if we can survive your ACORN, your destruction of the working and middle class, your degrading of the presidency and your cowardly actions in Afghanistan, we will take back the house and senate in 2010, isolate you in the White House and will take the White House back in 2012. (if we can survive as a country and I ain't sure that we can)

The Democrats as a party could be destroyed if he continues on this path. I personally won't get any more than 8 hours of sleep when that happens however, I am an independant and do not believe in parties Republic, Whig, Democrat, Communist, Nazi or Bullmoose.

Think of it, every state has a primary where a bunch of people run and then in the general it is a runoff between two or three remaining candidates. No rhetoric about the Demos did this or Repubs did that. Every candidate stands on his own. Great Idea huh? Well they tried that in North Carolina last year but Obama's Justice Department said that unless a candidate stated whether he was a democrat or not the black voters would not know who to vote for thereby disinfranchising them. Look it up this is true.

or don't.

Harry Flashman
17th. Light (Queen's Own)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13th.

This blogging thing is great. I sit here and vent against the world without hurting anyone's feelings or making anyone mad at me. At least i haven't heard from anyone that I've made mad yet.
My blood pressure has dropped to very healthy levels, my weight has dropped and my wife loves me once again. These things have all happened since I started blogging. Great therapy.
The health care bill has been voted out of the Senate Finance committee. The libs hate it or at least I'm told they hate it. I don't know why, because it inflates the power of the federal government, increases government and funds Acorn billions of dollars for them to advise more people how to set up brothels with illegal underage South American children.
I can speak for myself and say, I hate it and don't see any redeeming features in it. I keep hearing people say, "it's free health care." It ain't free, tax payers are paying for it. I think that the term "Uncle Sam's money" is a democratic phrase designed to disguise the fact that we all are paying for the Federal Government.

President Obama and his crowd are now openly attacking Fox News. Although this is no surprise, I wonder at his advisors who are telling him this is the way to go. He's got MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, AOL, The Washington Post, the New York Times and a host of other news outlets carring all of the water for him. What I hope happens is that some of these outlets finally wake up and see that FoxNews is kicking their butts in the ratings department and maybe they will change their stance. If I were a stockholder to any of these companies, that would be a demand I would make at the next boardmeeting.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are attacking Rush Limbaugh for wanting to buy the Rams. These two rascist are making all of thier money from the hate in this country. Lets face it if the race question were settled they would be out of a job. Literally done. Limbaugh would make a great NFL owner. He's a succesful business man who knows the sport and is a great motivator. Not a bad combo.

Just as Sharpton and Jackson are finished when all racial issues are settled, Al Gore is done when we solve the Global Warming issue. (By the way, Global Warmning or Climate Change is a myth. Perpetuated by Al Gore and pushed by the left it is a huge ponzi scheme to cut the heart out of profits in this country.) Big Al is now in Finland building cars (pay attention Union Guys) Why not in the USA? I don't know but I only can hope that his electric car (he probably rides in a huge Mercedes) breaks down and he freezes to death in a Finnish Blizzard. How ironic that would be. I wouldn't get any more than 8 hours sleep when it happens, worrying about him.

I stopped a guy driving with an Obama Sticker on his car. I asked him this "Obama, really, how's that working for you?" His answer? He stuck up his middle finger and rolled his window up and drove off. I laughed my ass off. This guy could not defend his position. I think he lacks the power of his conviction. He also showed his I.Q. My Dad always said that Profanity is the effort of a weak mind to express itself.

Can't wait for 2010. I think the Virginia Governers race will show much. My wife is naked now standing in front of me. Ole lucky has got to go.


Harry Flashman
17th. Light (Queen's Own)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Been a while

Where the hell have you been? Oh sorry, its me that has been gone. Been real busy. I know I know, but truly i have been really busy. and tired. Busy and tired. and hungry.
Among the reasons that I haven't blogged is that i have been Busy and tired and hungry. And lazy. Anyway for all of my fans out there: as they Guy says in the movie "Independence Day" "I'm back boys, remember me?"
Much has happened: Obama gets his ass handed to him in Copenhagen over the Olympics. He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars taking three aircraft and all of Michelle's staff (that is a story in itself in that she has something like 15 personal assistants.) And they took Oprah Lomprah. And according to the National Enquirer all hell broke out between the two. Michelle is said to have said "Oprah had the nerve to say I had no class, "shit, I got plenty of class"
Anyway it all went Dixie for them. The plan was to buy up most of the slums of Chicago, then sell all the property to the City for Olympic sites. Then the federal government would subsidize it all. Hell of a deal for the Obamas (The Bamster and Omarossa.)
Now this morning, I wake up to find Barry Hussein Obama is the Nobel Peace Prize winner. This is a stunner. He hasn't done anything in the past 8 months yet the Nobel Committee says he is a peace prize winner. What Barry is gonna cause is a nuclear war in the mid east. He is falling into a trap that the US is gonna be hard pressed to overcome.

Here is one scenario. Iran touches off a nuke toward Israel. Israel then retaliates with a couple of dozen back at Iran and Syria. Egypt then steps in and attacks Israel and then the US tries to broker a stop to the exchanges before Russia steps in. Russia then is setting on a world of oil while all of the Mideast oil is irradiated and unusable. Nice thought huh? Watch it Barry, get your head out of the ass. Wake up and stop Iran now, Bargain from what strength we have now cause it won't last when the Nukes start flying it will be hard to stop and you ain't the man to stop it.

On a lighter note, the EPA has shut the water off to central California to protect some sort of lizard or fish cutting off a major source of income for middle California as well as food for the entire country. And the EPA is currently "reviewing" coal permits which will lay off thousands of coal miners in Coal producing states and which will cut off a major source of energy for the nation. Keep it up Obamster.

Today I saw a ratty looking jeep go through town with a "Health Care for All" sign. Tried but couldn't catch him. Was going to explain to him that the Health Care proposals that this town has seen is not totally accedptable or hit him with a big rock. Not sure which.


Harry Flashman
17th Light (Queen's own)

Monday, September 21, 2009

OK Crew members, Here goes the latest report from downtown.
Went to the street fair in town on Saturday. I had a specific job to do and I do believe I did an excellent job. Had to be a street vendor. Needed a monkey. Anyway about noon I was street vending past the Church's booth when the pastor said "one of our little girls just got shot in the eye by a kid with a BB gun." I went just a little berserk took about 5 strides and caught the little punk as he was casually was walking down the street.
I stopped him in exactly the wrong space and loudly yelled at him to put the gun on the ground and to put one knee on the ground. The pastor came up with the little girl and she looked bad. Her face was swollen and her nose was turning an ugly yellow.
i asked the pastor to stay with the shooter and keep the girl there too. I ran down a block and found a nurse practitioner and showed her where to go and then got an off duty cop and the mayor. By the time i got back t the scene the little girl was still there but somehow they let the shooter get away. I heard someone say that he (meaning at me) was blowing it all out of proportion. I then heard the same group call me a tyrant and a racist. Sound familiar.
Well the cop and mayor took down all the information and I was told that they had the kid that did it and they were talking to the Father. I also found out that the mother was there when it happened. That is what our President and his crowd is teaching to our children.
In case you haven't caught it yet the shooter was a young black teenager. And I'm a racist. Oh just so you know, a little girl came up to me and said, "it was an accident." Little girl, when you walk up, stick a gun in some one's face and pull the trigger it is not an accident. It is a cruel viscous act.
The little girl is gonna be OK. The BB was plastic and it just bruised her face. I sent word to her father to be very careful with her. I'm afraid that the shooter or his pal may try some sort of revenge for his embarrassment at getting caught.
Getting bad out here folks.

Harry Flashman
17Th Light Cavary (Queen's Own)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Mr. Kanye

Mr Kanye, KW, or as your friends like to call you Con. You and your ilk are gonna cause a race war in this country and I don't want that and even though you don't know that neither do you. It could become the thing.

The thing? Yes the thing that brings down this wonderful country of ours. (Ours means yours and mine) (Ours is a pronoun)

I think this is the first time in my writing career which spans weeks that I have used double parenthetical statements back to back. Any English Teachers out there? I'll bet that sentence is a sumbitch to diagram. But I digress (horribly) (Sorry) sumbitch did again.

Maybe 100 years from now if historians are allowed to write they will describe events like the town hall meetings, the statements from some of our politic ans like Nancy Pelosi and Carter (I renounced his Presidency earlier this week) (I now call him Carter) who called me and others like me "Nazi's and Racist". And how you krabbed (a new word I just invented its a combo of Kanye and grabbed)(I like it)
the micro phone from young Taylor Swift.
This incident and your later attempts to persuade others that it was a staged event (this is a shameful attempt to salvage your 5 minutes of fame left)(insert own parenthetical statement here)will cause some stupid asshole to react in some stupid way which will start sumpin real bad.
Seriously Kanye this could happen.

Now Mr. Obama you don't get a pass here. No sir. (notice the uncapitalized S on Sir) (stinging rebuke that)(According to Carter, I'm racist) look look three in a row. I'm gettin good at this.

You said and I quote "A white Cop" blah blah blah blah blah "mistake" I don't remember much of that quote but I'm sure you have tried to pull your foot out on that one. Why didn't you just say Cop instead of a "White Cop?" You also allowed Carter to come out and say that Joe's outburst at your speech was racist.

Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi, Ms Barney Frank, Carter and your crowd listen up. Its gettin ugly out here and ugly quick. Don't blame it on Limbaugh, Beck, or Hannity. You've misquoted and lied about what they've said and the liberal media who are no longer reporters (they are the lefts greatest cheerleaders) are falling in line.

When I was a senior in High School, My teacher in World History offered a challenge to the class: Read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shearer and he would give us an "A" regardless of any of our work through the year. I (being the laziest human being in the school) took him up on the challenge. I read it and gave him verbal reports during the year and he lived up to his part of the bargain.
I read that book, didn't enjoy nor remember most of it, but the one thing I could never understand how he came from the NAZI (National Labor Socialist)party and become a fascist.
I only found out later that this Man, (My Teacher) was a tailgunner on a B17. He flew 25 missions over Germany in 43, 44 and part of 45. I wish I could shake his hand.
Hitler was a socialist. Murdering all of those Jews was for the "common good"
I figured this one out eventually. Took me a while. When he came to power he used the concept of Cooperation to make sure his power was ultimate. It worked for 12 years. He died like a rat in a cellar (May he rot in hell)(along with any stupid racist redneck who can't read much less can't understand a history book)

Anyway Kanye shut up sit down and enjoy the ride in America. Your ilk should be in the back of a bus. (misquote me on that Nancy)(bitch)


Harry Flashman
Late of the 17th Light. (Queens Own)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I Think We are winning, but its no time to ease up.

Three months ago I was worried, Two months ago scared. One month ago, I was expecting the black copters to come circling around. We are winning and winning big but it ain't no time to quit. The fat lady ain't sung yet but I think way off in the distance i hear her warming up. Warning Warning!!No time to let up. Time to bear down. Acorn is not dead, not even dying. Keep up the great work.

I'm so proud of my coal industry in putting on the "Friends of America" rally in Logan on Labor Day. I'm so proud of every West by God Virginian, every Tennessean, every Virginian and ever Kentuckian there. And to those of you from Ohio: Could you pull over to the right hand lane when on the interstate? Thank you.

News on the home front ain't so very good. Stress and pressure over some paper work on Saturday without time to eat neither breakfast nor lunch caused some chest pains. I went to the emergency room and ended up at Hospital for observation overnight. If you read a recent post you will remember me being upset with people in a small room,right? Same deal in the Emergency Room and I was fed up. This gyno american (woman) asked me while i was strapped to a gurney what was wrong with me. I clenched my teeth and said chest pains. She and her man child then began a discussion to wit: He's never been in ICU (it was an emergency room) His brother had swallowed a squirrel once and had to be put in (or some such) He thought he was feeling well enough to get home.

I asked them to please whisper because i did not want their life history. I did not do this in the kindest way, remember chest pains OK?. He jumped up and ran to the nurse who came in and admonished me. Admonished me and I said OK Maam but as I was leaving I said to them both, "At least I taught you a lesson in manners". Wife was angry.

At the end of the day, I am fine, they could not find anything. I apologized to the nurse and told her the whole story. She said that I was entirely right but she was admonishing me so they would think they won. I just wish I had not mentioned it to my wife.

If you figure out my real name, please let me know; as I said, it ain't over yet but I like our chances


Harry Flashman

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quickee Mart Stop

Today I stopped for Gasoline in the small town in which I live. Got a full tank and walked inside for a cup of Coffee. When I payed for the Joe, the cashier (a female or to be completely pc correct, a gyno american) took my money and said, "Thank You, Baby." I left.

At what point did manners leave town? I'm not this lady's "baby', "sweetie", "honey" or ___________(you fill in the blank here). Simply "sir" is far more acceptable to me and probably to Miss Manners. You see I happen to be someone's baby, her honey and her sweetie. If you would see us together you will again see why they call me "Ole Lucky" in town. You would also see that my standards are very high. I wish to keep it this way.

If I say anything to the ladies at Kwikee Mart, they will take offense. Some will start calling me that ole Grouch or some other ubiquitious hackneyed phrase (asshole comes to mind)

So the day continues and I went over to the Doctors office. I'm trying to get rid of some poison ivy. The small waiting room there is divided into two sections and both are crowded. I chose the first room where two groups were talking loudly, Not a whisperer in the crowd. I now know that Group 1 has a huge list of people who they know and which ones are good and which ones are into drugs. I know what was on the last episode of a reality show that i don't watch. The other group includes a woman and her man-child. He thinks golf, tennis, baseball and soccer is boring. She needs to stop at the store for cigs on the way home. (Merit Lights). I moved over to the other side of the waiting room where two babies were crying. The sound was just that better.

What's the answer? Give them a lesson in manners or shut up? Be the asshole or just go about my business? Get it off my chest or let my bp rise after paying over $200.00 per week for gasoline for the past 3 years. You tell me.

I will keep you informed as to my decision


Harry Flashman

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Walking Downtown

I walked through our little town today. If anyone thinks that small towns are dead, they need to come here. There is a Dr.'s office where they turn out prescription medicine on a regular constant endless basis. It is near the local drugstore. It is absolutely appalling the number of people (all chain smoking tattoo sporting teeth lacking folks)waisting their day sitting and standing in line for their meds.

I have no problem with tattoos nor with smoking nor with folks who don't have all their teeth (I missing some myself) but the combination of all three and their apparent lifestyle choices are certainly suspect. Anyway business at these locations are great. There is room for reform here. Not in the Public Option, not with Health Insurance companies. I promise to take a survey of who is paying for these meds one day. It won't be a scientific survey, I will just ask everyone there. I will bet the money hidden in my wallet (from my wife) that 99% of this crowd is on some sort of Gov't plan like workman's comp, ssi, or some other gov't giveaway. (oops showin a little there)

I'm just so proud of all of this commerce in town.

And if you must know, I work 7 days a week normally, but I took a vacation day today in order to work some around the house. My Daddy once told me to do what I like in life and you never go to work. He was right and I do work at what I like. I guess thats why people in town call me Ole Lucky


Harry Flashman

Monday, September 7, 2009

Friends of America Rally

I just returned from the Friends of America Rally in Logan, WV. 100,000 people or near enough were there. Funny thing though not one of em voted for Borat Obama. Mazin.
Hank, Jr was in concert. Excellent concert. Can't say enough about his music. I didn't care before this event much about Hank Jr. but I was very impressed with his music today. Very impressed. He addressed some of his problems earlier in his career. The man has a huge ego. But he did put on a great show.

Don Blankenship spoke as well. I believe that I was more impressed with Mr. Blankenship than I was with the rest of the speakers. When he gets serious or he gets angry (unlike me) his voice drops a little and he gets very soft spoken. That is an impressive tactic in a speaker. I kinda liked his style. I believed what he said about Global Warming.
I don't believe AL Gore can hold a candle to Don Blankenship in a debate. In fact if Al Gore has his way we will all be holding candles because electricity will be gone. Sorry folks but coal produces 50%+ of all electricity in the US. Why don't you try living with your wife and kids with power less than 50% of the time.

As a side note this blogging thing is one hell of a lot of fun.
I get to say what I think and no one hears me. What a delight.
I would say more but I hear the Black Helicopters circling above me.


Harry Flashman

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Lockerbie Murderer

I know this was supposed to be about life in the United States but this one time I couldn't help it. I promise never to do this again unless I want to: The Lockerbie Man.

Well, he's gonna die if he's not dead already. But not from Cancer nor any of the related things that his government is going to say. They will kill him, of course and he will be just as dead as Julie Caesar but make no mistake somebody will kill him.

Now I don't know if they will tell him that he's about to die or not. They may just walk into his room, inject some heart stopping solution into his arm and that will be that. Or they may say to him, "your martyrdom is complete, enjoy the virgins." and he'll be gone. Dead. Knocked off. Kaput. Deep sixed. Pushing up daisies.

Then the Libyans will all be wailing and gnashing their teeth over the death of their great hero. The women will make that noise with thir tongues (what is that called?)there will be a great state funeral and MSN, CNN and the rest will all say: "see i tole you he was sick" The Brits and Scots will be relieved and it will all go away; except of course for those families who are still mourning the loss of their loved ones.

Friends and neighbors, I'm no big fan of George W, nor his Dad (i did kinda liked Ronnie Reagan and John Wayne) but if those guys were in office when the plane left Scottish Airspace there would have been a flight of F-15's in trail. The Pilot would've either turned toward the U.S. (probably Langley Air force Base in Va.) or would've figured a way to ditch a thousand pieces of aircraft in the North Sea.

Any way good bye Mr. Lockerbie man. I will not trouble myself with your name, you aren't worth the effort. I fervently hope that the Virgins all appear and then just as in the "Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark" finale, they instantly turn into screaming demons. I'm sure there will be a particular hot spot in Hell for you and you are about to find out thanks to your friends in Libya.


Harry Flashman

(P.s.) if You find out who I am please tell me. You know how paraniod I am.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Time out the Gate

I am a publisher, a blogger, a writer.

Sounds pretty good, huh? You should try it.

First a little about me. I'm not a learned man with letters, but I'm not ignorant. The difference between me and a lot of folks (I believe) is that they think they're smarter than everybody else while I know I'm not. My punctation is poor, spelling awful, and I am sure that I have dangled a participle occassionally. Fact is I don't know what a participle is but I have heard of them.

I hope that you enjoy my posts and if I could figure a way to get cash from the advertising program they have here (without everybody and the government finding out about it) I would do it in a heartbeat. Don't mistake this statement. I don't have a problem with paying taxes, I just get a little paranoid from time to time about intrusion. Besides I'm loaded.

In my part of the world having a car jacked up out front is normal, having two jacked up on cinder blocks is status. I got three.

Thank you Al Gore for your wonderful invention of the Internet. Lets hope they never turn it off


Harry T. Flashman