Monday, November 30, 2009

Global Warming

Global Warming is a fact. It is happening, the globe warms. It gets hotter. Glaciers melt, ocean levels rise. True. No argument from me.

Here's the rub: It ain't caused by man. It ain't the U.S.' fault. It ain't mine or your fault. Don't let Obama or Al Gore tell you other wise. Here are the facts as they are now known:
1. The globe warms but there is no known human cause. There is a hypothosis that has been accepted and pushed by the Left is that humans and more specifically North American humans have caused it by driving cars and making electricity, and generally living well. Communism failed and the liberals now want to push the global government (they love government) and they are trying to use Global Environmentalism as the means.

2. The "scientific method" is not being followed in the Global warming issue. This method says that a hypothosis is established (here it is that CO2 is causing the warming) and then you try to prove that this hypothosis is wrong. If there are no competeing or disproving arguments then it becomes a working theory. That theory can be still disproved at any time that anyone can come up with a compeling disproof. The social scientist who are pushing this hypothosis are skipping the disproof part of the program. They just said, "OK, co2 is the problem and that's our theory. Wrong. Here is how it should work: (this is how it was explained to me) You see a bunch of swans that are white. You then say my hypothosis is that all swans are white. Now scientist should then start searching for a non white swan. Right? Well the Al Gore crowd were only looking for white swans instead of trying to find a non white swan. Doesn't work.
3. The whole basis for the Co2 global warming deal was based on three trees studied in Siberia. (3)
4. EMails from the main Scientific source were recently released to the media. Most mainstream media did not publish this fact. They passed. Once again besmurching thier profession. The reason that the New York Times says they did not publish was because they said "it was obtained illegally." Now I'm old enough to remember the "Pentagon Papers" that were stolen and they published them. I also remember them publishing the transcript of the conservsation between Newt Gingrech and some of his advisors that the Democrats obtained illegally. You get the idea.
Congress needs to look into this. They need to haul Al Gore up and make him explain his picture of the Globe (Cuba was Airbrushed out and there is a Hurricane on the Equator where Hurricane's cannot exist.) This junk science has cost us billions and Congress should get involved if they want to have any credibility left.
But they won't.
The Globe is cooling at the rate of 10% over the last 10 years. True. The Glaciers are not shrinking, polar bears are doing just fine.
There are several third world countries screaming for more US Dollars because of global warming. Let them scream. They want 10 Billion dollars up front to sign the Copenhagen agreement. the Co2 theory is about to fail and the Third World knows this as do the Warming crowd. Then i suppose the big fear will be Global Cooling and again it will be our fault.
As long as the US propers the rest of the world will cry and come up with stupid reasons for us to give them money.
And there will be stupid liberals in this country willing to listen.

As Mad Maxx says, "Shut up and quit ruinin my life."
good advise.

Harry Flashman,
17th Light (Queens own))

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life in these here United States

folks, it ain't good. Riding in southern WV in the last few days, I have realized a startling fact: The majority of the cars that I see in the last two days are carrying either a state, county, or US Gov't license plate.
This is not good. It tells me that the only people moving about are doing so on our dollar. This is not a scientific poll nor is intended to be, but there is a startling number of these vehicles compared to taxpayer license plates. Don't try to tell me that the recession is over. I think we are going to see a double dip recession which will devastate personal asset value in this country.
Just prior to the big elections of November the Obama administration announced (proudly) that the GDP had grown in the 3rd quarter by 3.5%. During the runup to the election, the press was touting the end of the recession. Today, after the elections are over the Government adjusted (shock shock) the GDP down, actually it only grew at 2.8%. GDP is an economic term which measured the growth of a nations economy. It consists of three factors: Consumer spending, Investment by companies in Capitol goods and government spending. This recent GDP number is propped up by mostly increases in Government spending only and is therefore a terrible way to judge economic growth.
At this rate their is no way that 1. Unemployement will go down, 2. we can afford the new health insurance bill. 3. we can afford Cap and Trade legislation.
About the Health Legislation, here is a little history lesson for you:
In 1935 the German Media decried the fact that not all Germans had an automobile and that they deserved one. Hitler came up with a plan that everyone could have a car. It was to be called the "people's car" (in German: Volkswagon).
Here is how it worked. The people would pay 5 marks per week for the automobile then when it was paid for, he would deliver it to them. Well, needless to say, he never delivered on that promise either. He took the money and produced military vehicles for his war.
After the war was over and the Socialist regime was gone, Volkswagon began producing a small energy efficient vehicle at an affordable price. It became a hit in Germany, the pride of their postwar economy and was brought to the US by returning vets.
Some liberal playbooks never change. We are to pay taxes for this Health program for several years then it comes into effect exactly as Hitler did his people's car. Hitler was a socialist, so is Obama. We got to rid this country of him and his fellow fascist in the media, in academia and in Congress.
Oh, and by the way, you won't here this in the regular media, but scientist (hah!) have been hiding data that proves that global warming is junk science. Don Blankenship has been right all along. Sarah Palin is right. Al Gore is a socialist, liar, and very dangerous to my and your freedom. Now we know why he won't give interviews, won't allow the press in his lectures, and generally hides from any real substantive discussions on Global warming.
I hope that someday he freezes to death in Finland or where ever the hell he is hiding.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Bumper sticker game

I am very proud of the men and women of this country who are excercising thier rights of free speech and are speaking (hell, they're screaming) at the Obama Administration on nearly every move that the libs make. And like those great people, I myself have done a little screaming. Here's a new sport that I've invented. It's called "puttin em on the spot."

Here's how it works: You catch someone with an Obama sticker on thier car and you say to them, "Obama? Oh really? And you watch thier reactions. Can't. Either because they are inarticulate or because of thier embarrassement over the Administrations actions, can't.

I've played this game a couple of three times. Lots of fun. Recently played this game in Charleston. I stopped this guy with Michigan tags on his car and an Obama sticker on his back and asked him the above question. He kinda got a stupid look on his face and then rolled up his window and left me standing there. (laughing)

Conventional wisdow would have this guy jumping out and beating me to a pulp. Didn't happen that way. Now I'm not a threatening kind of guy, just average in height and weight. He was young and looked kinda athletic and would have won the fight except for one thing. You can't whip someone who is mad. In a fight mad wins every time. Ask the Japenese. They had all of the experience in WWII, had the Navy, had the Airforce. Made us mad and got thier asses kicked.

Anyway back to the game, they cannot defend their position. Not on health care, (nobody wants the plan escept MSNBC). They cannot defend his stimulous bill. What stimulous? Unemployment at 10.2% and not expected to go down anytime soon. They looked into his "jobs created and/or saved claims in West Virginia. Turns out most of these jobs created and or saved were listed at (surprise, surprise) the State Capitol Building in Charleston. But wait, have you ever heard of a state job in jeopardy in West Virginia? Not happening, never happened in the past, not ever gonna happen. So how can you save a job that ain't ever gonna be in jeopardy?
They cannot defend his actions in Afghanistan or his comments about the Shootings at Fort Hood. Not terrorism? Get real for once in your life Obama. Hell the guys a Jihadist.

Anyway, the gentleman from South Carolina got it right: "You lie"

To the rest of you out there, here's some latin for you: "illigitimi nonconderumbus" (don't let the bastards get you down.

Harry Flashman
17th Light (Queen's own)