Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Life in these here United States

folks, it ain't good. Riding in southern WV in the last few days, I have realized a startling fact: The majority of the cars that I see in the last two days are carrying either a state, county, or US Gov't license plate.
This is not good. It tells me that the only people moving about are doing so on our dollar. This is not a scientific poll nor is intended to be, but there is a startling number of these vehicles compared to taxpayer license plates. Don't try to tell me that the recession is over. I think we are going to see a double dip recession which will devastate personal asset value in this country.
Just prior to the big elections of November the Obama administration announced (proudly) that the GDP had grown in the 3rd quarter by 3.5%. During the runup to the election, the press was touting the end of the recession. Today, after the elections are over the Government adjusted (shock shock) the GDP down, actually it only grew at 2.8%. GDP is an economic term which measured the growth of a nations economy. It consists of three factors: Consumer spending, Investment by companies in Capitol goods and government spending. This recent GDP number is propped up by mostly increases in Government spending only and is therefore a terrible way to judge economic growth.
At this rate their is no way that 1. Unemployement will go down, 2. we can afford the new health insurance bill. 3. we can afford Cap and Trade legislation.
About the Health Legislation, here is a little history lesson for you:
In 1935 the German Media decried the fact that not all Germans had an automobile and that they deserved one. Hitler came up with a plan that everyone could have a car. It was to be called the "people's car" (in German: Volkswagon).
Here is how it worked. The people would pay 5 marks per week for the automobile then when it was paid for, he would deliver it to them. Well, needless to say, he never delivered on that promise either. He took the money and produced military vehicles for his war.
After the war was over and the Socialist regime was gone, Volkswagon began producing a small energy efficient vehicle at an affordable price. It became a hit in Germany, the pride of their postwar economy and was brought to the US by returning vets.
Some liberal playbooks never change. We are to pay taxes for this Health program for several years then it comes into effect exactly as Hitler did his people's car. Hitler was a socialist, so is Obama. We got to rid this country of him and his fellow fascist in the media, in academia and in Congress.
Oh, and by the way, you won't here this in the regular media, but scientist (hah!) have been hiding data that proves that global warming is junk science. Don Blankenship has been right all along. Sarah Palin is right. Al Gore is a socialist, liar, and very dangerous to my and your freedom. Now we know why he won't give interviews, won't allow the press in his lectures, and generally hides from any real substantive discussions on Global warming.
I hope that someday he freezes to death in Finland or where ever the hell he is hiding.

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