Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Lockerbie Murderer

I know this was supposed to be about life in the United States but this one time I couldn't help it. I promise never to do this again unless I want to: The Lockerbie Man.

Well, he's gonna die if he's not dead already. But not from Cancer nor any of the related things that his government is going to say. They will kill him, of course and he will be just as dead as Julie Caesar but make no mistake somebody will kill him.

Now I don't know if they will tell him that he's about to die or not. They may just walk into his room, inject some heart stopping solution into his arm and that will be that. Or they may say to him, "your martyrdom is complete, enjoy the virgins." and he'll be gone. Dead. Knocked off. Kaput. Deep sixed. Pushing up daisies.

Then the Libyans will all be wailing and gnashing their teeth over the death of their great hero. The women will make that noise with thir tongues (what is that called?)there will be a great state funeral and MSN, CNN and the rest will all say: "see i tole you he was sick" The Brits and Scots will be relieved and it will all go away; except of course for those families who are still mourning the loss of their loved ones.

Friends and neighbors, I'm no big fan of George W, nor his Dad (i did kinda liked Ronnie Reagan and John Wayne) but if those guys were in office when the plane left Scottish Airspace there would have been a flight of F-15's in trail. The Pilot would've either turned toward the U.S. (probably Langley Air force Base in Va.) or would've figured a way to ditch a thousand pieces of aircraft in the North Sea.

Any way good bye Mr. Lockerbie man. I will not trouble myself with your name, you aren't worth the effort. I fervently hope that the Virgins all appear and then just as in the "Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark" finale, they instantly turn into screaming demons. I'm sure there will be a particular hot spot in Hell for you and you are about to find out thanks to your friends in Libya.


Harry Flashman

(P.s.) if You find out who I am please tell me. You know how paraniod I am.

1 comment:

  1. I think I figured out "Lucky". When did Julie C. die, I hadn't heard. PJB
