Friday, September 18, 2009

Mr. Kanye

Mr Kanye, KW, or as your friends like to call you Con. You and your ilk are gonna cause a race war in this country and I don't want that and even though you don't know that neither do you. It could become the thing.

The thing? Yes the thing that brings down this wonderful country of ours. (Ours means yours and mine) (Ours is a pronoun)

I think this is the first time in my writing career which spans weeks that I have used double parenthetical statements back to back. Any English Teachers out there? I'll bet that sentence is a sumbitch to diagram. But I digress (horribly) (Sorry) sumbitch did again.

Maybe 100 years from now if historians are allowed to write they will describe events like the town hall meetings, the statements from some of our politic ans like Nancy Pelosi and Carter (I renounced his Presidency earlier this week) (I now call him Carter) who called me and others like me "Nazi's and Racist". And how you krabbed (a new word I just invented its a combo of Kanye and grabbed)(I like it)
the micro phone from young Taylor Swift.
This incident and your later attempts to persuade others that it was a staged event (this is a shameful attempt to salvage your 5 minutes of fame left)(insert own parenthetical statement here)will cause some stupid asshole to react in some stupid way which will start sumpin real bad.
Seriously Kanye this could happen.

Now Mr. Obama you don't get a pass here. No sir. (notice the uncapitalized S on Sir) (stinging rebuke that)(According to Carter, I'm racist) look look three in a row. I'm gettin good at this.

You said and I quote "A white Cop" blah blah blah blah blah "mistake" I don't remember much of that quote but I'm sure you have tried to pull your foot out on that one. Why didn't you just say Cop instead of a "White Cop?" You also allowed Carter to come out and say that Joe's outburst at your speech was racist.

Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi, Ms Barney Frank, Carter and your crowd listen up. Its gettin ugly out here and ugly quick. Don't blame it on Limbaugh, Beck, or Hannity. You've misquoted and lied about what they've said and the liberal media who are no longer reporters (they are the lefts greatest cheerleaders) are falling in line.

When I was a senior in High School, My teacher in World History offered a challenge to the class: Read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shearer and he would give us an "A" regardless of any of our work through the year. I (being the laziest human being in the school) took him up on the challenge. I read it and gave him verbal reports during the year and he lived up to his part of the bargain.
I read that book, didn't enjoy nor remember most of it, but the one thing I could never understand how he came from the NAZI (National Labor Socialist)party and become a fascist.
I only found out later that this Man, (My Teacher) was a tailgunner on a B17. He flew 25 missions over Germany in 43, 44 and part of 45. I wish I could shake his hand.
Hitler was a socialist. Murdering all of those Jews was for the "common good"
I figured this one out eventually. Took me a while. When he came to power he used the concept of Cooperation to make sure his power was ultimate. It worked for 12 years. He died like a rat in a cellar (May he rot in hell)(along with any stupid racist redneck who can't read much less can't understand a history book)

Anyway Kanye shut up sit down and enjoy the ride in America. Your ilk should be in the back of a bus. (misquote me on that Nancy)(bitch)


Harry Flashman
Late of the 17th Light. (Queens Own)

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