Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quickee Mart Stop

Today I stopped for Gasoline in the small town in which I live. Got a full tank and walked inside for a cup of Coffee. When I payed for the Joe, the cashier (a female or to be completely pc correct, a gyno american) took my money and said, "Thank You, Baby." I left.

At what point did manners leave town? I'm not this lady's "baby', "sweetie", "honey" or ___________(you fill in the blank here). Simply "sir" is far more acceptable to me and probably to Miss Manners. You see I happen to be someone's baby, her honey and her sweetie. If you would see us together you will again see why they call me "Ole Lucky" in town. You would also see that my standards are very high. I wish to keep it this way.

If I say anything to the ladies at Kwikee Mart, they will take offense. Some will start calling me that ole Grouch or some other ubiquitious hackneyed phrase (asshole comes to mind)

So the day continues and I went over to the Doctors office. I'm trying to get rid of some poison ivy. The small waiting room there is divided into two sections and both are crowded. I chose the first room where two groups were talking loudly, Not a whisperer in the crowd. I now know that Group 1 has a huge list of people who they know and which ones are good and which ones are into drugs. I know what was on the last episode of a reality show that i don't watch. The other group includes a woman and her man-child. He thinks golf, tennis, baseball and soccer is boring. She needs to stop at the store for cigs on the way home. (Merit Lights). I moved over to the other side of the waiting room where two babies were crying. The sound was just that better.

What's the answer? Give them a lesson in manners or shut up? Be the asshole or just go about my business? Get it off my chest or let my bp rise after paying over $200.00 per week for gasoline for the past 3 years. You tell me.

I will keep you informed as to my decision


Harry Flashman

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